On-Site Seminar Registration

On-Site Seminars available to you

On-Site Seminars available to you

Any of the balancing seminars on our schedule can be custom tailored to meet your specific requirements and presented at your facility, on your equipment. In addition, Schenck offers the following on-site modules for more specific balancing training:

For our jet engine customers

SCHENCK USA CORP. offers a variety of engine specific seminars designed to provide engineers, operators and technicians with the skills necessary to balance specific engine components in accordance with modern recommendations and specifications. These comprehensive four-day workshops provide a combination of balancing theory, with practical hands-on training. Our standard syllabus may also be modified to address the specific needs and objectives of your training program.

For more information please contact us, "Engine specific seminars" should already be indicated in the "Subject:" of your communication. Please also be sure to indicate the type(s) of engines that you balance, and the number of people that need training at your facility.

Request for On-Site Training

By choosing to provide on-site training, we are able to address operational and procedural situations which could be overlooked when attending out-of-facility training. Our instructors can help identify the possible training considerations that would most benefit your personnel. Specific points of interest can then usually be integrated into any one of our standard seminar modules to create a custom-tailored seminar agenda.

To request an on-site seminar proposal complete the information below and click the send now button at the bottom. We will respond to your request accordingly.

Is certification required?*
Do you have a conference area or classroom at your facility?
What is the sum of 5 and 8?